Thursday, February 21, 2008

A battle for thesis statement

After we were dismissed from class that day, Dr Edwin had assigned us with the most challenging part in the position paper; to generate a thesis statement. I need to recognize three important nature of my future thesis statement. First, it has to be approved by our Assoc. Prof. Dr. Malachi Edwin Vethamani. Second, I could not just choose a novel; I had to make sure that it has sufficient elaboration regarding the thesis statement. Third, I have to prevent from doing similar thesis statement with others to avoid low marks due to Dr. Edwin’s comparison to the work of others. After a few days, I decided to choose The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne because of two reasons. First, I like the novel very much, so as the character of Hester Prynne. Second, I have gone through a detailed analysis with Puan Juridah in her class; so I have enough confidence to present this topic.

At that moment, I have not realized that it was a battle for thesis statement: Part I. There has yet more to come; we have to undergo a selecting process with Dr. Edwin. For the first session, most of us were rejected within minutes. We were required to provide alternative thesis statement and my friend, Siti Fariha told me some tips for an approved thesis statement. First, the thesis statement should be clear; avoid using ambiguous and general statement. Second, the intention of you thesis statement should be clear. Third, it is easier if you have a character to be focused on, so you would not get drifted apart too far.

Then, I have my thesis statement approved by Dr. Edwin. It was a prestigious moment because I was among the earlier students who got their thesis statement approved. Even it is quite shaky when I tried to explain my stand; but I got it right, finally.

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