Sunday, March 30, 2008

History Boys: Should Literature be Learned by Heart or by Force?

Frankly speaking, I might not have the chance to teach such brilliant students like the boys in the movie but I strongly believe that they also excel because of their strong willpower and that they take literature not as a subject but as a part of their life. I like Hector’s approach to teaching; except the fact that he is a bit laid back in his lesson. But it is always about real life situation where students have access to a more meaningful learning rather than chalk and talk. Poems are made into lyrics and sang in harmony melodious tune; they even made into sketches. This is not merely memorizing; it is understandings. However, life is mechanical because there are always human needs to judge and evaluate; there comes examination. Irwin is being very practical. He knows that the students need to study for their examination and the papers are not only based on understanding; the students have to reflect. I think Irwin’s technique involves a bit of force but he is using it in a correct way. A perfect teacher for me would be a combination of both Irwin and also Hector; they can be entertainers but they also have to play the role of dance choreographers. Hector’s noticed crime made him a bad teacher but he had done sufficient effort to work literature in the class. Hector had touched all the five senses without the others realizing it.

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