Monday, March 24, 2008

Position Paper: A Re-working

After we were all done with our position paper presentation, Dr. Edwin gave us some comments on the structuring of points. There are certain students who were required to re-work the whole position paper but most of us are up for minor improvements. Some of us have good thesis statement but the supporting points are not clear, while the quotations cited did not match the points at all. However, majority of us had neglected the importance of elaborating on our discussion about the supporting points we put up. This further discussion should strengthen the points, not repeating it in a different way. This is a big problem for me because I felt that I had put my best, most brief sentence for the points, so I feel that I do not have anything to say to further discuss the points. After recalling back some of my friends’ presentations, I finally have some idea for my re-working of the position paper. Some phrases in the cited quotations are important; they are the ones which should be discussed and related back to the points (the inner strengths of Hester). The keyword is: analysis of the language use to reflect the author’s intention to describe the condition and feelings of certain situation.

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