Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Project Paper: A Revision

After my instructor had gone through the out line I gave her, we were all called for a revision of our original idea. Then she gave out suggestion for improvements, so that our project paper would not be similar to the work of others because she was afraid that it might affect our marks. Some of us who decided to work on common novels used in the classroom were advised to pair up one learned novel (Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen) with another two new novels from the same author (Persuasion and Emma). Some points are taken out and some things are considered more deeply, so we have a clearer direction of what we are suggesting. For me, the topic was accepted but I was advised to narrow my discussion down to the moral values found only. Hans Christian Andersen short stories are rich sources of moral values, therefore they are known as the best children’s reading materials. I asked for the other requirements for my project paper; and Puan Juridah gave me three; a more brief account of the writer’s profile, summaries of the short stories I use and implications for teaching. She had also asked me to change the short stories I suggested to something uncommon. Hopefully, my second draft would be a more successful one and accepted so that I can move on to the next level.

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