Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The New Beginning of Project Paper

As what we have done for the position paper, we did the same thing for the project paper and certain things become worse this time. I totally cracked my head to think of a thesis statement. So I tried to propose something similar to what I have in the position paper but it seems that my instructor did not see my points because they are weak. (Cannot blame her for that…) Besides, she wanted something new and not recycled from our previous semester lecture notes. So, the idea of adultery and Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is rejected. Realizing that I need to think of fresh ideas, I dug into my piles of previous knowledge. Then, Dr. Edwin’s idea of using fables in the classrooms came across my mind. However, I hesitated a little bit because this is something different from what my friends are doing for their project paper; discussions based on one or two literary texts. I am afraid that I might be drifted too far. But I am running of time, so I tried to think of my favourite childhood short stories; Hans Christian Andersen. Then, I went for an Internet search and found so many websites pertaining to him; the history and long list of his children literary pieces. I also went through some topics of research done on his work; most of them are discussing about the reliability of these texts as a reading material in the classroom. I have read some of the short stories wrote by him, the abridged and original ones; they are good because his characters and settings revolves caters children imagination level. They discuss some very serious issues in a light, relaxed manner. Some of the issues are of adult thinking level too. Then, a question came across my mind; “Why are not these short stories used in our classrooms?” So, I typed out my outline titled: Hans Christian Andersen Short Stories Should Be Used in ESL Classrooms and supported that with several details like the language, the issues discussed and so on. I hope that my Instructor will approve this case.

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